Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

So today was mother day and it was perfect! I spent the day with my lovely mother and grandma and what else do 3 generations of girls do on mothers day....well i can say no matter how old a girl maybe she will always be up for..SHOPPING! haha yes. we shopped. and we ate. and then we shopped some more.

I really don't know how to describe the love i have for my mother, she is just truly and incredibly strong amazing most kind hearted women i will ever have the pleasure of meeting. I am truly grateful to god to have given me such a precious gift. I love you mom.

I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine - she helps me grow, prosper, and reach great heights. ~Terri Guillemets

Bought some new nailpolish today, just adds to the ever growing collection.
Colour is sooo in right now and bright colours too so i was really looking to go out and buy heaps of bright peices today and what happens? yes i end up with either blacks or whites and lately ive been so attracted to leopard prints anything leopard i see i want! i think i have 5 different item of leopard prints now haha

Food YUM.
Pretty cool outfit i thought.
Yes i noticed the leopard shoes. :)

Just a stylish mother daughter duo out and about on mothers day. how cute is the little one!

Can't not describe how good churros are. if you haven't tried it yet. PLEASE do now.

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