Sunday, July 3, 2011

The past week

This has got to be the cutest smallest most adorable thing ive seen all week. im an absolute lover of animals, i think if i had to pick between being an animal or a human i would actually have to thing about it quite thoroughly haha

Although its currently winter here we've had a really sunny week but its still really cold. But its been so good seeing the sun this week since it was my first week of holidays and so ive spent most of it with some old friends who live around me and we've just been hanging out acting silly as always. Me and a friend who lives right around the corner have a exercise routine that we've stuck to since high school and we go for long walks and hikes and sometimes yoga. I love where i live, its all busy and close to the city but then walk about 15mins and you can enter a bush walk which leads you to the picture above, its a little secluded beach near my house. not so much for swimming but its really nice to just go and sit and clear your thoughts sometimes.

I cooked dinner for my family yesterday. I cooked the pasta dish above and then i started on the desert which was an apple pie which i made from scratch. It was my first time even attempting a pie but since it was all gone by this afternoon im guessing it came out rather good haha

Churros. oh my.....

Western springs. My friend recently got a full time job and so a group of us went for a little picnic here. I love this place there's lakes everywhere and wildlife and the zoo's right next door so you can hear the animals sometimes. You just have to try find a place to eat without the ducks attacking you for the food but the little ducklings are just too cute to handle.

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